Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes For Breakfast.....
She was shocked when she realized her pancake was shaped like Mickey Mouse!
She thought it was pretty cool!
Daddy fed the little ones (usually I let them feed themselves but we didn't have time for baths before leaving for our trek to school and chocolate chip pancakes always equals a bath with them!)
Here is is, all ready for her first day! I love her in purple. She picked out her outfit today!
We've gotten three years out of this backpack! I will have to do a side by side from all 3 years because as she gets bigger the backpack looks smaller!
Ready to conquer the world today!
That American flag in the background had me a bit emotional, thanking the Lord we were able to bring her to this country and give her a wonderful life AND education!
Off they go! Shawn had today off, so thankfully, I got to take a leisurely walk behind them! LOL. This load is weighing in at just under 125 pounds this year...there's one big hill on the way to school that I nearly die on every time! Walking is way easier than fighting the thousand cars trying to drop their kids off at school, AND way easier than buckling and unbuckling 3 5-point harnesses and then loading them into the wagon or stroller just to get from the car to the door.....PLUS it's a good workout for me and friendly to the earth, so we do it as long as we can (until old man winter hits).
They were so excited watching the busses pass!
Here comes another one!
I hope her teacher is ready for this :)
Mila was cheering Daddy up the hill!
Zoya's saying hello to some friends passing by!
In she goes, a little nervous at first...
Oh, I've got it from here....see ya mom!
Zoya's fabulous nurturing and accepting and holds the bar high for our Zoya girl! <3 p="">
Waiting in line. She kept asking where her best friend was!
Saying hello to old friends....
And then there were two.....
Mila says, "What now, mom?" And all I could think when she looked back at me was "I'm NEVER going to be able to let her go next!"