Sunday, October 16, 2011

A "My Zoya-girl is Awesome" Letter

Dear Zoya,
I miss you so much my heart aches. This is the first time Daddy and I have been away from you for more than one night. I know you’re having fun with Aunt Jen Jen and Xavier. I wish we could be with you but we can’t. You know that baby sister we’ve been talking a lot about? We’re going to meet her real soon. And one day I’ll be able to tell your little sister what a big brave girl you were to give up her mama and daddy for weeks so we could travel 5,000 miles away to meet her and bring her home to our family. I’m so proud of you for being such a big brave girl while we are gone. I hear Xavier is wearing you out and you’re happy to go down for your nap or to sleep at night! I’m glad he is breaking you in because when baby sister gets home life is going to get a little crazier, but a little more awesome too!
Everything reminds me of you.  When we were in the airport they had the automatic paper towel dispensers where you wave your hands in front of them and paper towel magically appears. I thought of you and how you love that and how you love to keep waving your hands and getting more paper towels. When we pass by McDonalds I think of how happy french fries make you.  When I heard all the Germans saying, “Hello” it reminded me of your funny accent when you say “Hello.” Zoya girl being away from you makes me realize how special you are. You have a way of making Every. Single. Little. Thing. So much fun! You bring so much joy to this world.
While I’m here I’m trying to worry less and live life big like you do every day.  It is hard to do without your contagious spirit here beside me, but you’re in my heart and that helps!  You’ve helped me to see the joy in things we take for granted. You’ve changed my heart in so many ways. I know all Mamas say this but we are so blessed to have you, we are the luckiest parents ever. I wish everyone could have a Zoya-girl but you’re all ours J Being apart from you makes me even more aware of the fact that you ROCK and you’ve seriously changed my perspective on life.  You’re the reason we’re half way across the world right now. Because through you we’ve seen that God can taken broken spirits and make them whole again. 
I am so lucky to be your mama and when I’m away from you it feels like I’m a ladybug missing her spots. Soon enough we will all be together my sweet girl!

*For those of you wondering Zoya is doing fabulous so far! Keep the prayers coming!!! We are so blessed to have Aunt Jen Jen in our lives!! We got to skype with Zoya tonight and she was amazed at being able to see an hear us. She sat and listened to us and talked a little for 15 minutes! She requested her favorite song, "More Beep Beep" and blew kisses and said, "Wuh wu" (love you). Oh how I miss her, but so good to see her doing so well!!! And I know I said I was taking a break here, but I needed to write a letter to my girl because I'm missing her!

1 comment:

  1. I have really missed reading about sweet Zoya and so I stopped by this blog for my "Zoya fix" lol--and I saw your post to her. It melts my heart how much you two love each other and how you and your hubby cherish your baby girls! I know most parents do--but, having grown up in an atmosphere where a stepparent was very abusive, it just touches my heart even more! ALL children should be so cherished! I'm sure once you get back home things WILL be "a little crazy" but even without knowing you two personally I know you are up for the challenge. And I have a feeling angel girl Zoya isn't going to be letting her mama and daddy out of her sight initially lol!
