Tuesday, February 22, 2011

10 Months Home!!

2 months away from being home one year! W-O-W! If the ladies at the orphanage could only see Zoya now. They might just fall over in disbelief. I WISH they could see her now because maybe it would give them an incentive to interact more, love more, expect more, with/for the orphans with special needs. They count. They matter. More than many of those orphanage workers will ever know. A fire has been set under me with this strong desire to show the world the worth of these forgotten children....of children with down syndrome. Although, I don't think I have to try as hard as I once thought I did. Zoya proves herself every day. She is a walking testimony of faith and love and determination and the power of God.

I love sharing Zoya's story with others because when I stand back and take a look myself, it's pretty unbelievable...it's kind of like a story...with ups and downs and all-arounds, but I'm mostly left with a feeling of amazement as each day ends with a new page being written. To look at what God rescued her from...I think I'm still trying to process that. God's love for all of His children is so amazing that he is moving mountains every day to facilitate these "rescue missions"....I see a future of an orphan revolution and have hopes that one day while we are still alive on this planet the word "orphan" will be replaced by "son" or "daughter." It is amazing to see more and more orphans finding their forever families through Reece's Rainbow. Zoya has a family.  She is a daughter...a cherished, beloved, valued, daughter just like it was always meant to be.

The wow factor of the way God is sewing together Zoya's life story will never become dull to me. It is simply so amazing that I will never fully understand the magnitude of it all...try as I might, there are inside stitches of Zoya's beautiful quilt I will never see...but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate those unseen stitches. As much as I'd like to open the quilt and look inside to see the stitches that were made before Zoya was a part of my life, opening the quilt would destroy the beauty of it. I am learning to appreciate the unknown stitches because even though some of those unseen underneath stitches may be ugly, they are necessary to craft the beautiful finished product.


You are our shining light guiding us on this beautiful journey...


  1. Happy 10 months home! Gotcha-versary is right around the corner. You are so blessed.

    Be blessed


  2. Congratulations to the Basile family! Time sure flies by! Seems like she has always been my neighbor:-) Love you, Liz

  3. She is a beautiful treasure, valued, loved, and cherished. She has blossomed and bloomed once planted in your family garden, and she is more valued than gold or silver, more precious than all the gems. She is loved. Her quilt is beautiful and perfect. 10 months...

    I began reading your blog when she had only been home 1 or 2 months. Ten months later, our dossier is on its way to Sarah's country, so that we may become her family, to treasure her and begin writing a new chapter in her story. You made a difference for Zoya, and for many other orphans who have a forever family coming for them.

    You made a difference and told your story, and everyday is a miracle to celebrate.

  4. Sarah,

    I feel honored that you have allowed all of us on this journey with you.

    Happy 10 months!


  5. Oh My Goodness!!! I am so Grateful to the BASILE family and will be forever!!! Love this post Sarah - you my friend have an amazing way with words!!!! Now, please e/m me with a date that we can get these girls together!!!!
