Sunday, July 24, 2011

Conversations in the Crib

I'm sitting down for a hot second before continuing with the madness that has consumed my busy days lately....BUT I'm cracking up as I listen to Zoya over the monitor trying to settle down for her nap. Here's what I hear:

Meeeeeeeee Gooooooooo (me go) [she recently learned to say 'me go' and 'me do']

Mama peeeeeeee (mama please) [paired with fake crying, then followed by a mad-scientist laugh]

Eh-mo peeeeeee (Elmo please)

No No No No.....YAH (she has multiple personalities conversing with one another I think)

Mama blaallaa (mama ball)......Peeeeee (please)

Aaaahhhhhhh-doooooo (ahh-choo) [she thinks its funny to fake sneeze]

Ahhhhh-duhhh (all done) [umm no you're not...mama's counting on a good 2 hour nap today...please?]

And now I hear silence.....ahhhhhh!


  1. Love it!

    She cracks me up.

    Oh the wonderful sound of silence of a nap! I so appreciate those now, even more when I snooze myself during that time.

  2. My favorite has to be the fake cry/mad scientist laugh :)

  3. Oh wow! How stinkin cute!

    Brooke Annessa

  4. Zoya is an advanced little girl who knows with whom to converse with to get the results she wants:herself:)

  5. We are running around trying to prepare for a homestudy update on Monday, painting the living room, and preparing our second set of documents for our next dossier...I'm with you on the 2 hour nap but I don't know who needs it more, us or them! Good luck, sweet friend!
