Sunday, May 26, 2013

Friends, The Zoo, and Tee Ball!

We had a busy day on Tuesday! We got to meet up with our buddies at the zoo! We love the Spitz crew! So awesome spending the morning together! 
This is what typically happens when I try to get a good picture of all three girls! I love it!! Thanks to Papa and Gigi for the cute matching outfits! I loved having the bright orange for our zoo trip! Makes them easy to locate! 

This is how we roll! 

I can only imagine what she's thinking! 

 Uncle Mike came too!

 Mila preferred to chill in the stroller rather than ride the carousel! She was still a bit fussy from her surgery :( 

 This picture cracks me up!!!! Uncle Mike escorted Mila and I home from Ukraine and then Summer and Lyla. Here's a picture of him with his Ukrainian ladies! 

Summer was surprised that Sofia seemed "smaller" in real life than in her pictures! She looks pretty beefy here LOL! She is a little powerhouse though! 

 Might make a cute couple some day ;) 

 Sarah loved Mila, she was so good with the girls! 

Queen Mila and her chariot! 

We had such a big group of people, it was funny seeing some reactions! The kangaroo guy wanted to know where we were from....I didn't quite answer his question I guess because when I said the city we live in he said, "here for a birthday party?" I said "no." He said, "are they family?" I said "yup this is our family reunion!" HAHA! 

Mila and Uncle Mike! 

Silly girl Sofia! She is so funny!! She is wild and crazy until we are in a new place or until new people are at the house....then she only wants to be held and she is very quiet and clingy....I can't complain! Good bonding signs! 

The same evening Zoya played some Tee Ball for the first time! 
Love seeing her learning from her Daddy! 

 Little sisters munched on some snacks while Zoya played! 

 She's a bunter! 

Mila was having fun learning to be a cheerleader! 

She was VERY interested in the ball and mitt! 

Practicing her throw! 

 Apparently Sofia thought it was round two of snack time! 

We are so excited for Summer! 


  1. What a good looking group. Love all the pictures you share Sarah. Thank you. The girls are adorable as always.

  2. What a blast with the Spitz family! Love the girls in matching outfits!

  3. Looks like a good head start on summer for the Basile family.

    I love the pictures and the family reunion, definitely looked like fun!


  4. Oh my god, their little matching outfits, I can't even handle the cuteness! They look like child models! If Zoya picks up T-ball as well as dancing, she'll be one unstoppable athlete. I think Sofia's talents lie more in the area of stand-up comedy. ;P

  5. I always read your blog but never comment but I just had to say how much I love the first picture. I needed that smile! :-)

  6. Love all of the pictures! What a fun time at the zoo! How wonderful that Uncle Mike loves these kids (I have a brace just like his) and you can tell the feeling is mutual. Wonder if he has kids of his own... The girls outfits are so cute!
