Monday, November 8, 2010

My Silly Monkey

I love this girl to pieces...

Zoya has been keeping us laughing lately. She is just so silly!

She kept pulling down the towel on the stove to look at herself in the window of the oven so we put this mirror up on the wall for her and she LOVES it. She just LOVES watching her cute little self! I love watching her too! She makes all kinds of funny faces in the mirror. She watches herself eat and drink in the mirror, she makes lots of noises and watches her mouth and is just a nut in this mirror! It is fun and good for speech motivation!

In this video you can see Zoya getting her groove on in the mirror! The mirror used to be down low, then we moved it higher to motivate her to stand more and strengthen her little leggies.

And Zoya's newest accomplishment....opening every door in the house!! Here she is standing by the cupboard that holds her crackers signing "eat." She gets busted all the time trying to go in there lately!

Sneaking into the cupboard....

 And here she is slamming the door shut when she got busted! You can see she thinks its so funny!

You can see this in action in the video. She just makes me laugh. Look at that little smirk when she gets caught. It is very difficult to be firm with this stinker without laughing right along with her sometimes!!

And how can this video not just make you laugh?


  1. Oh my is she just the cutest!

    be blessed

  2. Yeah a Ms. Zoya fix!

    Her communication is really quite good. She's such a smarty pants. I like how she looks in the mirror, Ms. Iz talks to herself in the window panes of the door also too funny.

    Way to go Zoya, great speaking and signing!


  3. She's such a cute little stinker!!

  4. Such cute videos. Wow! Zoya is really walking well and talking quite a bit too. She's such a cutie!


  5. Her speech is getting SOOO good! What a smart little cookie. She's absolutley gorgeous!

  6. Thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with us. Zoya is so adorable and very amazing in her accomplishments over the past 6+ months. Nothing like watching a kid watch themselves in a mirror if you need a good laugh.

    Keep up the good work, I know how much is involved with parenting special needs kids, both physically and emotionally.

    Sue M.

  7. Just before I head to to bed, I so much ENJOYED your SWEET ANGEL ZOYA! It is AMAZING!! How she talks, how she signs, her BEAUTIFUL SHINING personality just touches me again and again.
    Looking forward for SWEET dreams tonight of precious ZOYA-GIRL and her "sister" Mya...:):)
    Be blessed!

  8. I have had the WORST day and this post just changed my mood 100%. She is all love and joy this little Zoya is! I hope one day I am blessed enough to meet her!


  9. Hello Sarah,
    I am a fairly new reader but I just HAVE to leave a comment here because I have been reading your blog from beginning to end and just laughing, crying and rejoicing with your sweet family! Zoya is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and sooo SMART!! I love how she enjoys and embraces life and the bond she has with you makes me echo your comments in previous posts about how you feel like she's been with you forever. Your family was clearly MADE for each other and I shudder to think about what Zoya's life would have been like without you and your husband being faithful to God's call. You are truly an inspiration to me and even though I am older than you I feel like I sure could learn a lot from you and the way you live your life.
    What especially touches me is the love... I've always wanted children of my own but have never been married. I considered adoption and yet felt I wasn't in the right place due to dealing with many years of childhood abuse and trying to recover from that. Believe it or not, watching you and your husband love on your sweet girl and especially the sacred TRUST she has in you and her daddy is so very healing for me.
    Thank you for sharing your faith and a bit of your family with your readers. You are a blessing!
    Sincerely, Lori
