Monday, August 15, 2011

Nothing Better in this World...

There is nothing better in this world than snuggling with my girl....

watching her eyes meet mine and her lips curl up at the ends in a little delightful smile as if to say "we've got a little secret-you and I-with this amazing love".....

counting her breaths as her chest rises and falls with each breath getting slower and more relaxed...

loving her eyelashes as they flutter open and closed, open and closed as she drifts off to dreamland in my arms....

smelling her sweetness as she breathes warm breaths onto my nose....

saying a little prayer that goes a little like this "thank you God for this gift that I don't deserve"....

running my fingers over her soft chubby cheeks....

adoring the way she sticks her tongue out just peaking past her lips...

wondering how I ever lived in this world without her....


  1. Oh you so deserve her and much more. I do have to say that she is a treasure. Iz asked today if we could go see Zoya today. :(

  2. That is one relaxed Princess Rock Star! I don't think she could be happier, feel more safe, or feel more loved than with you and Shawn! Love those pictures, you are great parents.

    Sue M.

  3. Sarah,

    She looks so big laying there! Did she just grow overnight?!?!? Oh my goodness. She is growing, and thriving and just surrounded by so much love...Sweet Zoya, you are such a blessing to us all and watching you grow into the beautiful girl you are today... it has been breathtaking. I can't wait to see how your story unfolds. Much, much love, Renee

  4. Such a doll...a spunky doll...but a doll nonetheless!


  5. awwwwwwww gorgeous!!! love her little tongue! Madelaine

  6. She's such a sweetheart and it brings happy tears to my eyes reading of the love you all have for each other and the wonderful family life you share! Like you, I wish that EVERY child could know that same love, security and safety and the simple pleasure of falling to sleep in the arms of a mommy who loves them!
