Monday, September 12, 2011

No Thank You!

I recently taught Zoya to say "no thank you" instead of "NO!" Sounds like a good idea right? She says no and then signs and approximates "thank you"...its so darn cute. What could be bad about that? Let me tell you....

Me: "Zoya eat your dinner"
Zoya: "No Thank You" (big smile)

Me: "Zoya go potty"
Zoya: "No Thank You" (big smile)

Me: "Zoya pick up your toys"
Zoya: "No Thank You" (big smile)

She is so darn proud of herself when she says "no thank you" because she knows she's being so polite....time for sister to learn when saying "no thank you" is NOT an option :) She is one smart cookie!!


  1. Funny how quickly they pick up on things. I love that she's decided that the big smile that accompanies it will melt mommy no matter what.

    LOL Has your response been "no way maam"!?

  2. haha too funny! She IS one smart cookie! :)
