Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tear Duct Surgery Tomorrow

Please say a quick prayer that Zoya does well for her tear duct blockage procedure tomorrow! It is a quick procedure but I am one nervous momma....this will be her first time undergoing anesthesia since her heart surgery! It is tomorrow morning at 8am. Thanks!


  1. Lord,

    I pray you would be with Zoya, her mama and daddy and her doctors tomorrow God. Give them all peace about the surgery. let this be a quick in and out no surprises, uneventful. Be with the doctors, give them wisdom and strength. Hold Zoyas parents as they wait to see her. Let Zoya not remember this or be afraid. Bless them all Lord and bless all those who meet Zoya. I thank you for this family and thank you for the answers to prayer and we are believing right now that Zoya will be fine tomorrow. In Your name we pray. Amen.

    Be blessed. Hugs.

  2. Good Luck Tomorrow!!! All 3 of you with be in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Will be saying prayers for you tomorrow.

    I'm sure Ms. Zoya will come thru with flying colors, she's such a trooper....

  4. We adopted our 2 babies in Jan. Lat week they both underwent the same surgery. I was amazed at how they came out not ever even knowing anything had happened. They were the same spunky kids 10 minutes later. She will do great!!

  5. Shure I PRAY FOR ALL OF YOU!!!
    Be blessed! Christina

  6. I hope everything goes well. Good luck Zoya! We're praying for you.

  7. Zoya is in my prayers:)

  8. Prayers for your precious baby, and for you too,I think this stuff is hardest on the mama!
