Sunday, March 28, 2010

Visit #24 :)

Our evening visit went well.  We were all excited because the care takers were trying to talk to us and they got out the Russian-American phrase book and pointed to........"When does your flight leave?" AHAHAHAH.  I'm happy to know that they agree we have been here TOO LONG!  We called our facilitator so she could explain our situation to them.  She asked them if there was any reason they wanted to know, because it was an odd question to be the only question they ever asked us, and they said, no reason...they were just curious!  We thought that was pretty funny.  Zoya is getting bored with the same old things though.  We try to be creative, but there is only so much we can do in a tiny little room and in the dark hallways.  We found a couch and did a little photo shoot tonight.
See her little pointer finger? She is always pointing! Better fine motor skills than we expected :)

See her spaghetti legs? She is sooo flexible...and floppy! Here she is using her finger on her lips to make silly noises. 

There's her pointer finger again!  And there is the sunshine that has been a much appreciated part of our journey!

We are praying that tomorrow will be the day that the interpol situation is cleared up, and that court will go well Tuesday....that the judge will see this adoption through rose colored glasses with a kind heart and to finish court on Tuesday.  The waiving of the 10 day wait would be an awesome bonus, but we aren't expecting that at all. 


  1. Lord I pray that you would be with sarah, Shawn and Zoya. I pray that you would continue to increase their bond. I pray Lord that you would let them have one court date and all would be approved. God I pray that the judge sees a bit of you in these people and a seed gets planted. Please allow all the paperwork to be in order and there ready for approval. I know God that your timing is perfect but I would just ask that if it is Your will that this 10 day wait be waived. I know You can do this. i pray that Zoya continues to thrive and just bless this family so much God. Let Zoya see Your love thru her Mama and Papa. Thank you for the many blessings you have given to all of us. We ask these things in Your name. Amen.

    be blessed guys!! Can't wait to hear what happens next!

  2. Looking forward to good news on Monday and Tuesday! God please hear our prayers!!!

  3. Sarah, I love getting your updates. For those of us trapped at home still the idea of being trapped in Ukraine is enticing! To get to switch places even for a week would be wonderful for both of us I feel sure:) But that defies the definition of trapped I suppose. I spoke with Shelly this a.m. and fluctuate between thrilled to hear about your journeys and troubled by the in between messages that is erasing my hopefulness that all the kids live in joy and are just waiting in fun for us all to come get them. I know this is not to be the case and yet my head does not let in the reality...until today. I cannot fight off my panic to get to my Marina but the only thing I could pull together today that might be useful was to make a list of all the things shelly told me not to forget, along with a few notes I have picked up from you as well:)It has been nearly a year for us since we first committed...I know God is hearing me or it would have been two years:) Anyhow I am lifting prayers for you all to leave as one very beautiful package family! I love the photos of you guys and will have to see about dragging up the highway to come see you all in PA. My inlaws are all there, remember! Maybe I won't tell them we are coming that direction haha! Of course that depends on if we ever get there and back again for our own part of the journey. I am feeling as discouraged as you but from a different continent if that helps that there is misery among friends and hugs from SC to you 3. Honestly you will be home before you know it. In the meantime I am keeping my eyes out for small but useful toys to pack for our visits to keep the entertainment level up. If they let Evan in to visit, he counts as one big amusement factor! Again, prayers are with you this palm sunday and the rest of the trip. Walking with you across the world, Cathy B.
